The Muslim community are hoping for a new place of worship, after applying to transform a biker bar - but not if the BNP get their way.
Former music venue, The Plough, on Manor Road, Bletchley, is planned to be converted into a mosque, as the current Duncombe Road venue has become too small for the widening community.
Over the past weekend, the British National Party branch in the city launched a public campaign comprising leaflets, petitions and public protest actions against the conversion of a pub into a mosque in Bletchley.
BNP organiser, Kieren Trent said: "We decided to start the campaign after being approached by angry members of the public.
"We have warned local people about the threat of creeping Islamification, and the conversion of an English pub into a mosque shows how our culture is gradually being replaced by a different culture.
"Another mosque in the area will change the nature and character of the area, as has happened everywhere else where these buildings have been allowed."
Mr Kalamdar Ali, 54, secretary at Bletchley Mosque, said: "If the application goes ahead, we will be using the building for worship, especially on a Friday.
"Right now, the mosque at Duncombe Road simply is too busy for the residential area, and the traffic is really bad.
"So we want to open this new mosque to give the local people another place to pray.
"The community has grown so much, and with opening a new mosque, it could help a lot.
"The property at Manor Road isn't that big, but what we are hoping is that eventually we can get permission for an extension which we could then use for anyone in the community to hold events, meetings and educational classes."
Mr Ali, of Bangladeshi origin, opened the first Indian restaurant in the city 35 years ago, The Golden Curry in Bletchley. He also owns the Passage to India restaurant in Stony Stratford.